Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008's Top 10

Man is it tough to choose my favorites from this year. I scrapped 80 something pages this year, that's not including mini albums and other projects, so it's hard to narrow it down to 10 favorites. There are a lot more that I love and had so much fun going back through my albums today deciding on my favorites from 2008. Here they are, in no particular order.

I love this one because of the colors and the message and the fact that I used a ton of my stash.

I love this page because it's fun and a little funky. Plus it features my favorite girls, who I miss everyday!

This one was a lift and I adore how it turned out. Plus, it's one of my favorite pictures and past times, freshly painted red toes in the sand. Just makes me happy looking at it!

I'm a sucker for a nice grid layout and love my square punch. I love the simplicity of this page and it was the perfect way to use some not so perfect London photos.

Another page with a message...I'm good at that...I just like looking at this one and it serves as a good reminder for how I wish to live. Plus, I just adore that studio calico bird!

Another simple page that I simply love. I'm all about using up my paper scraps and have become increasingly interested in stitching on my pages. Don't be surprised if you see variations of this page in the future.

This is one of my happy pages. I just love the fun Sassafras papers and the colors. Not to mention, the memory attached to this day...

I think this page may have been the beginnings of my current felt and embroidery floss obsession. Another use my scraps and stash page, which I'm finding out are some of my favorite pages.

Collage Press and map paper, need I say more?

This may be my all time favorite from this year. Except for buttons and stitching, it has everything I love about a good scrapbook page...good photo, meaningful journaling, cluster of embellishments, label stickers and trims.

I may be back with favorites from my mini albums and other projects as well. Here's to many more fabulous pages in 2009!


Bekka December 31, 2008 at 7:55 PM  

These are great! I really like the "go see do" page. And the last one...I never think about circular pages.

Have a happy and prosperous 2009!

Alex Hardy January 1, 2009 at 9:53 AM  

i'm DYING over here ... all of your pages are WOWing me!
you create awesome stuff erin!
can't wait for your '09 creations!

Leigh Penner January 1, 2009 at 11:35 AM  

Love your work!
Very cool to list your favourite layouts of the past year-- great idea!

Susan Beth January 1, 2009 at 1:17 PM  

Love them all, but especially the red toenails in the sand!

Princess Jessie Pants January 1, 2009 at 1:43 PM  

So fun! I love the first one - I don't think I've seen it before. And I already told you the last one is one of my fav's of yours.

I like your December Daily book too - maybe I will be inspired & actually get to something today...instead of sitting in my pj's all day like I'm doing right now. :)

Lauren January 1, 2009 at 4:47 PM  

those are fabulous! Love your top ten!

Diana D January 1, 2009 at 10:41 PM  

I love them all Erin!! So great-
80 LO's this year?? Not bad at all I must say. That in between stitching felt ornaments, making flowers, hats and scarfs... you go girl!!

Anonymous January 2, 2009 at 8:26 AM  

Love your pages Erin! So fun to come up with a top 10!!! Happy New Year!!!

All That Chit Chat January 2, 2009 at 11:25 AM  

Great choices. I really like "Be you". Cute colors and elements.

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