Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Making A List

So I've been busy trying to check things off of my to do list.
Since Sunday I have

baked pumpkin bread
decorated the tree and put away holiday boxes
wrapped some gifts
boxed and mailed all but one out of state gift
wrote and mailed half of my Christmas cards
wrote and addressed other half of cards (to mail tomorrow)
finished some DT obligations
did all the laundry
baked dark chocolate macadamia nut cookies
made chili and cornbread for Shawn and made yet another pot of "whatever's on hand" veggie soup for me
made mulled apple cider
worked on more holiday crafts
bought gifts
comforted my husband
had a yummy breakfast with Stephanie

This is all in addition to my usual activities, like you know, working.....There are still things I need to get done:

mail last gift
mail rest of the cards
send flowers
finish shopping for Shawn
one more stocking item for Dad
buy ornament for ornament exchange
make gift tags
wrap rest of the gifts
find clothes to wear to the Nutcracker on Sunday and to my grandma's birthday tea on Christmas Eve
bake more
figure out condensed work schedule for the next two weeks
figure out what I'm bringing to Christmas at my aunt and uncles house
groceries for said Christmas dish
DECEMBER DAILY....poor neglected thing...

I'm sure there's more I'm is almost 11:30 after all and I should totally be asleep, well if it weren't for this list...

Hope your to do's are getting done!


Princess Jessie Pants December 18, 2008 at 12:10 PM  

I have a list too. Although, since this is snow day #4, my list is getting smaller & smaller. :)

Yep, that's what I said day me!

Dina December 18, 2008 at 4:06 PM  

I'm tired just reading your list... :)

Diana D December 19, 2008 at 11:00 AM  

goodness sakes- you sure are a busy gal! I thought I had a lot to do

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