Friday, January 2, 2009

Create 09

I am co-hosting a creative project for 2009 at Scrapgal called Create '09. The idea behind this project is to document your year, one week at a time, in a creative way. I will be using my 7 Gyspies ATC spinner, but this project could easily be done with any ATC's, a deck of cards, a mini book, an art journal, or full sized pages. We will be giving a weekly prompt designed for you to use as inspiration for documenting your week. Prompts will be posted every Friday in the challenges forum at scrapgal. I'm really looking forward to this project and can't wait to see my ATC spinner filled with weekly cards. Here's what it looks like so far:

So far I have created a "Happy 2009" intro card and my first prompt card.

The prompt for this week is "What do you wish for in 2009?" I decided to use my Ali Edwards one little word as the basis of my card. Balance is my word for this year and here is my first Create '09 card:

The back of my card houses some journaling about my word choice. I have chosen balance becuase I would like this year to be the year that I learn to balance all that I do. I seek balance between work and play (generally my life is pretty work heavy), constant motion and stillness, stress and relaxation (here's my biggest challenge), doing things for everyone else and time for me, friend time, family time, marriage time, etc. I think this was a perfect way to start this new project.

Prompts for Create '09 will include journaling prompts, challenge prompts, technique based prompts and a few guest artists. Please come join us on this creative journey for 2009.


Princess Jessie Pants January 2, 2009 at 7:25 PM  

Ooohh, I like it!! My word last year was balance...I like your word. :)

I think it will be very fun to watch you fill up your ATV card holder, & you're off to a super cute start!! Enjoy!

Unknown January 3, 2009 at 6:18 AM  

I love what you've done so far. Great word choice, too!

Diana D January 7, 2009 at 10:01 PM  

Oh, I would not have thought to use ATC cards- Awesome idea-
Balance...GREAT word!!

Anne Alley January 7, 2009 at 10:40 PM  

Love the ATC's so far! And great word choice, balance is a hard thing to maintain.
Thanks for the ATC inspiration, it was desperately needed :)

Leigh Penner January 8, 2009 at 10:15 AM  

What a fabulous idea!!
Looks great!

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