Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Today's Ten

1. Ok, some of you have asked about the email I eluded to here. Several weeks ago I participated in the So You Think You Can Scrap contest at Scrap for a Cure and won third place and a free kit. Well, they emailed me later and said that they had some design team changes and wanted to offer me a three month Guest Design Team spot! Of course, I was thrilled and begin designing for them with the November kit, which arrived at my door on Saturday. It's a fabulous kit and I'm so excited to play with it! Scrap for a Cure donates a portion of their profits to a quarterly charity, which I think is amazing, and I am honored to be a part of their team.

2. In other exciting news, I am also now a member of the design team at Scrapgal. I found this out on Thursday night and the news was made public yesterday. So very excited! Scrapgal is a great site and I will be working with some fabulous ladies! I can't wait to start creating pages for Scrapgal and am already spending lots of time on their fun message board. Come check it out!

3. The good keeps on coming...I made the Catwalk at SIS for the second week in a row!

4. Our wine delivery from Husch came yesterday. We had a picnic and wine tasting at Husch the day after our wedding and have recieved twice yearly wine club deliveries ever since. Let's hope my reflux allows me to enjoy some of this wine sometime soon!

5. Speaking of reflux, my new medication is helping and I am having fewer issues. I am knocking on wood right now, because as soon as I say something.....

6. In other health news, I had a CT scan last week because of a large lump in my neck that has been there since before I got sick in April. Turns out I have "inflammatory lymph nodes" in my neck, which is pretty much what the doctor was thinking. But, I also have nodes on my thyroid. I have a follow up appointment for this in two weeks. Not sure what this means for me. I had elevated thyroid antibodies in some blood work this summer, but just had a second blood test last week that showed normal thryoid levels. We shall see....

7. Shawn and I are now fans of Lost. We had never watched it before but were interested. So Saturday we rented some of season 1 on DVD. We are only about half way the first season, but totally hooked. We've got a lot more catching up to do though before the new season starts next year.

8. Headed to the dentist this afternoon for a cavitity that needs to be filled and may turn into a root canal. The dentist says it looks bad on the xray, but it's not really hurting me, so he's not sure yet if it needs a root canal or not. I certainly hope not. I've never had one before and would kind of like to keep it that way. I will know in about 3 hours. Cross your fingers for me!

9. Because of said dentist appointment and the fact that my mouth will be all numbed up, I have cancelled much of my afternoon. It's kind of hard to sing with a numb mouth. Plus my appointment lands squarely in the middle of my afternoon sessions, because I couldn't get a morning appointment anytime soon. Since I already have a shorter schedule on Tuesday's, I will actually only see one kiddo than head to the dentist today.

10. The pumpkin patch with Stephanie and Amelia was lots of fun yesterday. The one negative though was that is was HOT yesterday. Like mid 90's, which puts a damper on the whole "fall" experience. Poor Amelia was a trooper though wearing the hat I knitted despite the heat. Here are some pictures:


Lauren October 21, 2008 at 1:05 PM  

its sounds like congrats, congrats and congrats are in order! :)

Sweet Peripety October 21, 2008 at 2:52 PM  

wow!!!! Huge congrats to you on all your successes! YEAH!!!

Rita October 21, 2008 at 4:15 PM  

Big congrats for all of your good news!! Hope the dentist goes well :) The pics of little Amelia with your pumpkin hat are too cute for words!!

Andrea @ Knitty Bitties October 21, 2008 at 8:30 PM  

Way to go!! Lots of great scrappy news around your place. You deserve it ... I hope you have a great time creating. I can't wait to see more scrappy inspiration.

And I love the pumpkin shots. You'd never know you were in Arizona!

Happy Tuesday!

Princess Jessie Pants October 21, 2008 at 10:15 PM  

You're so cool! Seriously - 2 design teams & a catwalk? Goodness.

Amelia's hat is so adorable on her. 90 degrees!? That's craziness. We are wearing layers & jackets around here...

Congratulations again on your wonderful news - you deserve to be a celebrated scrapper!!

metrochic October 22, 2008 at 5:34 AM  

scrappy congrats all the way around! wowzah! busy bee!


good luck on the lymph nodes thing. yeesh.

that hat is still one of the most adorable things ever! EVER.

Lori W October 22, 2008 at 5:46 AM  

cute pics! So excited to work/play w/ you over at Scrapgal! :) and feel free to steal some flair!;)

Anonymous October 22, 2008 at 8:09 AM  

Congrats on you scrap success! That's awesome Erin...you deserve it, you're a wonderful "designer!" Love the pumpkin patch photos...so cute!

Diana D October 23, 2008 at 8:40 AM  

Congrat's seem to be in order! You are going to be a busy gal-
Oh the dentist...yuck~ good luck with that.
Your pumpkin patch pic's are adorable & so is that baby!

Anonymous October 23, 2008 at 10:24 AM  

congrats on all of your big news!!! cute pics!

Silvitanova October 23, 2008 at 1:57 PM  

Erin that's amazing all that positive news about those DT teams! Congrats!
Amalia is so cute (is she aware that she's got the same name as our future queen? Amalia of Orange is 4 years now)!

angie backen October 24, 2008 at 7:45 PM  

sweet fancy moses! you've been busy! CONGRATS on the DT's!! yay, erin! woot!

the lymph node/dental thing... ouch. and awwwwwww.

we WILL do lunch soon. we will. promise.

<3 you.

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