Thursday, October 9, 2008

It's Good to be Boss

This week is fall break for many of my kiddos and I've had kind of a weird schedule the past few days full of cancellations and changed session times. Today I had lots of cancellations. I had a rescheduled kiddo at 9:30 this morning, than I came home with no more sessions scheduled until 4:30pm. I got a lot done in the late morning and early afternoon, but I was dreading driving 45 minutes to an hour in rush hour traffic to see my 4:30 and 5:30 kids, only to return home with another 45 minute to hour drive at the end of rush hour. So, about 3:15 I decided to call and reschedule my two late afternoon kids and add them to my Saturdays for the next two weeks. In exchange for an extra hour to my schedule this Saturday and next Saturday, I got a whole afternoon and evening at home to enjoy traffic free. Luckily, Shawn was home and we were able to spend the afternoon together enjoying some quality time.

For the most part, it's been a good week full of fun surprises. Here's are few more good things from my week.

1. This arrived at my door on Tuesday:

I'm pretty excited about this new toy and can't wait to start making mini albums and other bound projects. I'm thinking I might be binding a lot of Christmas gifts this year!

2. Yesterday, I found two $5 off your $20 purchase coupons in the shopping cart I selected upon entering Fresh and Easy. This was pretty exciting as it turned my $41 grocery bill into a $31 grocery bill. Always a good thing.

3. A email with some exciting news that I shall discuss a bit later...

4. This kit and this add-on arrived today. Yeah!

5. Actually did some paperwork today and can check 9 reports of my list!

6. Another short day tomorrow, which means I might get to do some scrapping.


Princess Jessie Pants October 13, 2008 at 8:41 PM  

What is this exciting e-mail!?! Please do share...

Andrea @ Knitty Bitties October 20, 2008 at 10:40 AM  

Yes, yes ... please share the e-mail. I have a hunch it's scrappy related ... or did you already share?

And a PINK BIND IT ALL!!! Hello Cute Fun Goodness! Let's see some mini's :).

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