Monday, October 27, 2008

Catching Up

So I've been a busy girl lately. This week I checked a lot of items off of my never ending to do list, which always feels good, and I've managed to have a little crafty fun too. This weekend went by rather quickly. Friday night Shawn and I got take out from Greek Pita and finished a few more episodes in our Lost marathon. Saturday after work, I ran a couple errands than headed home for some playing in the kitchen. I made some banana bread and my first ever attempt at apple butter and canning. The apple butter took me a bit longer than I expected, mostly because the apples took a lot longer to cook than the recipe said (I think it was the size of my pot) and I needed to figure out a good system for mashing and straining the apples. Now that I've done it, I think I can make it much quicker next time. It is, by the way, quite delicious! Next on my list is pumpkin butter, which I was going to try today, but got side tracked with other things, so maybe next weekend.

Sunday I met up with my fellow SCer Ally and we went to scrap with Kimberly and Lisa. I managed to get 3 1/2 pages done with the Scrap for a Cure November kit and start on an ATC card. We also took a nice lunch break and headed to My Big Fat Greek Restaurant. It's been a Greek kind of weekend for me I think! This morning I continued the scrapfest while doing my laundry and finished up my page from yesterday as well as several 52 Cards.

Here are some sneaks of my Scrap for a Cure pages. There are two kits this month, a Girlie Girl kit and a Rockin Boy kit. I worked with the boy kit, which is full of amazing papers and lots of fun to play with. Check back in a few days for the full reveal of the kit and my pages.

52 Card Scrap Up officially came to an end a couple of weeks ago, but I just finished my last few cards today. This has been a great little project over the past year. I've loved making these ATC's each week and am thrilled to have this little time capsule of the past year neatly displayed on one big binder ring. I'm thinking I want a new weekly creative project to tackle for next year....any thoughts or ideas? Here's a look at my huge ring of cards, one for each week October 07 through October 08:

Here's the last eight cards in slide form. Much easier than posting each photos individually. Enjoy!


Anonymous October 27, 2008 at 3:39 PM  

I don't think I had a chance to see the final version of the self-portraits layout - but I was thinking it was lookin' so cute while you were busy on it! Had a great time - as you know! Really looking forward to the next one!

Diana D October 27, 2008 at 5:34 PM  

looks great- Those cards look great too!

Rita October 27, 2008 at 6:05 PM  

Your apple butter sounds yummy! Love the LOs and the ATC cards!

Nicole October 27, 2008 at 10:46 PM  

I'm so impressed that you finished your 52-cards! When you guys started I had no idea you'd all stick with it all year. Shows what I know ;)

Lauren October 28, 2008 at 8:33 AM  

dang girl! you were busy!

Anonymous October 28, 2008 at 12:02 PM  

love the peeks! can't wait to see it all!! :)

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