Monday, October 6, 2008

Birthday Fun

For my birthday yesterday, we had a little family picnic. After changing our plans a few times, we ended up heading to Woods Canyon Lake. It was a beautiful day, a bit chilly, but kind of nice to be chilly and have it feel like fall. Mom packed a picnic, complete with mini pumpkin bundt cakes with chocolate ganache. We ate, enjoyed some wine, went for a walk by the lake, shivered a bit, ate pumpkin cake, opened presents and enjoyed the day. It was a great birthday.

Here are some pictures from the day:

When we arrived home last night, I had these on my doorstep from Heather and Angie. So sweet!

Family picnic, several renditions of "Happy Birthday' on my phone, lots of calls, emails and cards in the mail, breakfast with Michelle this morning, a movie and lunch with Shawn this afternoon, crafting and dinner with Stephanie this evening.....all in all its been a wonderful 31st birthday!


Anonymous October 7, 2008 at 6:38 AM  

I'm glad you had a wonderful B-Day Erin! Woods Canyon Lake looks beautiful...Paul and I will have to go there sometime.

Diana D October 9, 2008 at 9:25 AM  

Happy Birthday, looks like a beautiful place to celebrate-

Dina October 9, 2008 at 11:03 AM  

Awww...happy late bday. Hope there was no "poopmunch" in sight. hee hee

Anonymous October 13, 2008 at 3:48 PM  

hey!! We were at Woods Canyon Lake last week, too!! We didn't go until Wednesday and came home Thursday night. Camped nearby. I love it up there!

Glad you had a great b-day. I thought about sending you a card or something, but you haven't released your address to me yet!! =) That'll teach ya. Hand it over, girl. =)

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