Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday Catch Up

It was a busy weekend. I'm spending today getting caught up on things I normally would do on the weekend...laundry, cleaning, groceries....I was just too busy scrapping and hanging out with family this weekend to get those things done. I was also a little preoccupied with work news this weekend to focus on too many things at once. The good news is the work news has been resolved, at least for now and I'm enjoying my day off today, even if I am in catch up mode.

Here are the pages I got done this weekend. Did two of these Saturday night during the Scrapgal crop and got the other four done while scrapping with Ally on Sunday. This first one was a combination of two challenges...a sewing challenge and a scrap 10 things you are grateful for challenge:

This one is a little unconventional for a baby page, but I think it worked.

I was having a hard time getting started with the amazing Playground kit from Studio Calico, so Ally offered me some PageMaps Sketches and I cranked out this page using one of them.

A song lyric challenge using the lyrics from this song:

Kellie's not going to like this picture, but I think the page turned out cute.

A challenge to scrap about your favorite shoes. Now I have a lot of shoes I love, but this pair truly makes me smile every time I put them on my feet.

Be sure to stop by Andrea's etsy store Knitty Bitties. She got tons of cute stuff and a few new items. I've got my eye on this:


Andrea @ Knitty Bitties May 18, 2009 at 7:54 PM  

What a fun post!!

You've been a scrappy little bee ... I love them all, but my favorites would be the sweet baby layout (how could I not say that one?!?!), the yellow one (love the journaling and the brackets) and the polka shoes. Too cute! Good work!

And thanks for the toot!

Diana D May 20, 2009 at 8:40 AM  

Love the LO's Erin- Love the Yellow one, what a great song!
Those shoes are really cute too!

justem June 2, 2009 at 10:19 AM  

That camera strap is WAY cute!

ps: my work verification is "glowed"...i like it!

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