Sunday, May 31, 2009

Good bye May

So I didn't quite make the blog a day in May goal. Although I think I only missed like 3 or 4 days. Not too bad, given my usual 2 or 3 posts a week. I haven't felt much like blogging the past few days. Lots of thoughts in my head. Keeping me preoccupied.

Besides turning thoughts around and around in my head and incessantly researching things on the computer, I spent the weekend scrapping and cleaning. After work yesterday, I cleaned the house a bit, than Michelle came over to scrap. We were pretty productive, 4 pages for her and 3 pages and a card for me. We took a break for dinner and headed to Pita Jungle to split a trio of hummus with cucumbers and the best salad ever, the Lentil Fetoosh. YUM! Here's one of the pages I made (from Danielle's lift challenge):

and a card I made with the scraps from this layout (another challenge):

Both of these were made with the June Scrap for a Cure kit. The kit goes live tomorrow and you should definitely check it out. I have pretty much used up the whole kit.

Nothing too eventful today. Laundry, computer time, hanging with Shawn, billing, cooking and a little scrapping. Oh and pie eating. Shawn decided he was craving pecan pie so he headed to Marie Callendars to pick one up. They were out of pecan apparently and I did not hear my phone when he called (twice) to figure out what kind to get, so, he got two pies. Yes, two pies, because we both need our own whole pie to eat. I had apple. It was delicious. If you want some pie, we've got plenty to share...

I'd best get off the computer. My wrist is killing me and I'm sure the computer surfing and typing is not helping. I think I'll go read my book or catch up on my pile of magazines.

Hope you had a nice weekend.


Nicole June 1, 2009 at 8:44 AM  

CUTE stuff! Ella is such a good little muse. Sorry to hear that your head is full. Call me if you need to empty it =) I've loved your everyday in May posts, even if I haven't commented much. Big Smooches!

Anonymous June 1, 2009 at 9:20 AM  

I love that layout!!!! I hope that you enjoy your week!

Larajc June 1, 2009 at 10:46 AM  

adorable baby layout! I know what you mean about blogging...perhaps I will be better this month!

Andrea @ Knitty Bitties June 1, 2009 at 11:51 AM  

Mmmm, delicious scrapping there my friend!! Love the Ella one ... of course the subject is adorable, the page is really great too!

Hope you have a relaxing and productive Monday!

Happy Week!

P.S. Thanks for playing along!

Denise June 1, 2009 at 3:46 PM  

Erin, the layout and card are beautiful. Love the bright colors on each and the layering on the layout. Gorgeous. The baby is a cutie.

Hmmm...I'd take some pie, but I have become a little obsessed with Sonic lately. It seems my hand always has a slush in it lately. Not good.

Diana D June 1, 2009 at 5:05 PM  

great LO's and I LOVE apple pie, how 'bout you send me some, I'll help you eat it :)

Sharyn June 2, 2009 at 5:03 AM  

darling page - love the hug me/kiss me in there!

Silvitanova June 2, 2009 at 2:03 PM  

I love that baby layout very much! Hope that you wil be able to relax more soon. Pie I'm craving some pecan pie to!!

rachaelwood June 2, 2009 at 7:31 PM  

I love love love fast greek food! I love gyros, hummus, and tzatsiki (you know I butchered that!) but there isn't any out here! Which is funny because we have a LARGE greek community!

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