A Semi-Productive Sunday
One of these days I will post pictures again, but until than my friends, you must suffer through yet another words only post. I haven't taken many pictures lately. In fact, I made a point of dragging my camera to Thanksgiving at my parents, but didn't even take it out of my bag. Here's hoping I can take some December pictures. I'm not officially doing a December daily this year, but I'd love to be able to put together a little holiday mini album during my winter break. This will probably require pictures. Hmmm. Maybe I should play with my new instax? Haven't done much of that since I got it for my birthday either.
Back to the Sunday post.....
Like my usual Sundays, today was a mix of getting things done and enjoying a little me time before the work week begins again. Today I managed to be a little productive and still spend plenty of time on the couch with my laptop. Here's what I did and did not get done:
lesson planning and printing of materials-done
cutting and coloring of said materials-not done
evaluation paperwork-done
8 loads of laundry-done
putting away of said laundry-not done (though it is all folded neatly on top of the washer)
sheets washed and bed made-done
floors swept and mopped-done
floors vacuumed-not done (I detest vacuuming)
house dusted-done
piles tackled-1 pile done
simply ArTistiC card-done
card photographed, edited and emailed-not done
post-Bacc lessons-not done
spinach manicotti made for dinner-done
dinner dishes-done
I also actually scrapped today! Crazy, I know. I haven't scrapped a page in a long time and today I actually threw a page together in like 20 minutes. It needs a little finishing touch in the way of hand stitching before I can photo and post, but I'm pretty happy with my first scrapping attempt in quite some time. I was inspired while doing the laundry (scrap room and laundry share a space...I get a little distracted). I used a bunch of old stash stuff too. Go me.
Though I didn't check everything off my list, I am officially done with the to do's for today. I plan on climbing in bed early with some knitting or a magazine.
Happy Sunday!