Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Is It Tuesday Already?

I can't believe it's already April 6th. Spring is just flying by. April is a really busy month for me too, so I'm guessing it will be May before I even realize it. I was going to do today's 10 as 10 things I'm coveting, but I'm too tired to go upload all those photos and links, so instead you get 10 things from today.

1. I've spent the last two mornings in a first grade classroom observing. It's pretty entertaining to be surrounded by first graders all morning. First grade is fun, but pretty tiring...although it could be the getting up at 6:30 that has me tired.

2. What I do matters. A boy that I used to work with (for 5 or 6 years) is in second grade at the school where I'm doing my practicum. Before yesterday I hadn't seen him in almost three years. I almost cried when he hugged me and talked about the "pizza song" yesterday. Today he spent a good portion of his recess time hugging me and climbing in my lap. So sweet. Love it.

3. I am patiently waiting for test scores to see if I get credit by exam for one course. I was told it was being graded today or tomorrow. I felt good about the test, but you never know how essays will be graded.

4. Got these beauties in the mail today, thanks to my super fabulous mother in law:

Perfect for photos here in a couple of weeks. Aren't they adorable?

5. Finished a page for my challenge for the Spring Fling crop at Scrap for a Cure this weekend. We will be having plenty of games and challenges April 9th to 11th if you want to come play with us.

6. Speaking of SFAC, the April kits go live on Friday as well. I got the mini kit this month. Its the perfect project kit. Here's a little sneaky of what I've made with it:

7. In the mood to shop. Too bad my wallet doesn't share the same mood. I do have a few gift cards I've been hoarding. Maybe now's the time to use them. Too bad I don't have one to this site. There's some cute, anthro looking, but affordable things I'd love to buy.

8. I may have decided what to spend my PB gift cards on while surfing tonight. I've been hoarding PB cards for several years, hoping to use them towards buying this or this. Sadly, my money has other priorities. I've decided I should probably just use the darn cards for something less expensive. This might be a winner:

It would be perfect in my craft room. Although I do really love this coffee table too, but its a bit more than what I have in gift cards.

9. I have a new favorite snack, dark chocolate covered almonds. They're delicious. I'm thinking I shouldn't buy anymore. It's too dangerous.

10. It's 8pm and I'm ready to go to bed. This getting up and spending 3 hours in a classroom, coming home to do some homework and than going to work is a little tiring. Its only going to get worse this month I'm afraid. I'm so looking forward to OR escapades soon.

Happy Tuesday!


Anonymous April 6, 2010 at 8:48 PM  

love your tuesday 10! :)

Andrea @ Knitty Bitties April 6, 2010 at 8:52 PM  

Happy list day :).
Had I had more time and energy, my idea was to take photos of or tell of 10 things in my house making me happy today. But between carrot muffins and homemade pitas for dinner ... and there was a lot between the two, it just didn't happen. But my tummy sure is happy :D.

Love the sneaky peek ;). And the boots ... jealous of the trip to the tulip fields. It was an annual tradition with E until last year I think ... Boo!

Happy rest of your week!

Princess Jessie Pants April 6, 2010 at 11:52 PM  

Yae for a list!! Yae for adorable rain boots!! And double, triple yae for you coming here in less than 3 weeks!!!!!!!

Suzanne April 7, 2010 at 10:55 AM  

Your schedule always makes me tired! LOL That is a very cool cabinet, I think it would look great on my scrap room wall too! :-D

Diana D April 7, 2010 at 2:36 PM  

love your tuesday 10!!

metrochic April 7, 2010 at 6:38 PM  

yay! i'm so glad you got the rain boots! i can't wait to see the tulip photos!

Karen April 8, 2010 at 10:29 PM  

I'm jealous of the tulip farm!

Keshet April 11, 2010 at 3:39 PM  

Hee, I love your lists! Not weird at all:) Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog!

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