Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Much Needed Girly Get Together

Thanks to this lovely and this lovely, I spent 4 days in Oregon enjoying some fabulous girl time this weekend. We had a great time. I hate that I live so far from them and relish any time I get to spend with them. Plus, there's a new little girly that I get to spend time with too...

I haven't seen Miss E since she was 6 weeks old. Boy has she changed! She's eating like a big girl now. Mmmm, carrots:

and she makes faces like this:

and like this:

We spent Friday running around getting things for a little Halloween/Birthday party and having a little coffee date in Corvallis with Miss Nicole. Friday night we got all dressed up and pulled out all the sweets we could find for our little party.

Here's the pirate couple:

The tutu girls...Pirate Princess and Ballerina Witch:

The Pirate Princess (complete with risque tattoo) and our birthday girl Helen the almost licensed party planner:

We had quite the table of junk food, dry ice special effects and festive cupcakes:

On Saturday, we waited for Miss Nicole to come over and we headed out for lunch at Wild Pear and some downtown Salem shopping. We spent the afternoon organizing Jessie's disaster of a scrap space, scrapping, passing out candy and eating squash soup.

Here's our little cheetah and a cute lady bug visitor:

Nicole is very excited to be posing for Halloween photos. Ella, well she wasn't so sure....

Zombie pumpkins created by Tim:

Poor cheetah had lots of pictures to pose for (story of her life I'm afraid):

Sunday afternoon we headed for the coast, where it was a beautiful sunny and crisp fall afternoon. I didn't get too many good beach shots, but here's my favorite:

On Monday we headed to Busick Court so I could enjoy my favorite apple walnut pancakes. Yum! Later we took a little walk around the neighborhood searching for some fall pictures.

and of course we needed to take more cute baby photos.

Oh how I'm going to miss these girls!


Anonymous November 5, 2009 at 10:32 PM  

looks like you had an awesome time! love the pictures!

Princess Jessie Pants November 5, 2009 at 11:50 PM  

I miss you. :( Love the pics. Could you send me your copies? Any of mine that you want? xoxo

Andrea @ Knitty Bitties November 6, 2009 at 8:48 AM  

Very sweet pictures :). It looks and sounds like you had a wonderful time! I think all three of you needed that time together. :)

Nicole November 6, 2009 at 9:13 AM  

Come back!!! I miss you too much already =( BTW - it's no wonder Ella looks terrified in her picture with me - what kind of crazed auntie is holding her? Yikes!

Thanks for coming to see us - we love you muy mucho!

Diana D November 6, 2009 at 9:59 AM  

looks like you have a great time-
Love all the pictures

lisa truesdell November 6, 2009 at 5:54 PM  

what an awesome time - loving those pumpkins!!

Ally November 6, 2009 at 8:42 PM  

Looks like you had a GREAT trip!

Sasha Holloway November 8, 2009 at 9:56 AM  

love the pics that is the one things about get togethers ..

Happy Sunday

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