Saturday, March 7, 2009

Paying it Forward

I had every intention of blogging more this week. I had every intention of posting a Tuesday 10 and catch up on Create 09. But, it's been a rough week. I haven't been feeling well and I've been worried about my job. Last night I had a huge meltdown and today I had a well deserved milkshake. I think I'm ready to move forward.

In the spirit of moving forward, I'm paying it forward. The "Pay it Forward" idea is circulating in blogland once again and I have decided once again to play along. I have actually been fortunate to sign up for some mailbox love from both the fabulous G and the uber-crafty Andrea. So I will be paying it forward times two. Here's the one of the first 6 people to comment on this post and I will promise to send you some happy mail sometime within the next 365 days. When and what you will get will be a surprise. The catch is that you need to be willing to pay it forward for 3 lucky people on your blog. Sounds like fun, right?

Happy Saturday!


Ginny March 7, 2009 at 9:24 PM  

How fun, I love pif! I do contests on my blog all the time, so fun!

Kimber-Leigh March 8, 2009 at 8:22 AM  

sounds like a great idea! i'm in!!!

Diana D March 8, 2009 at 1:05 PM  

I LOVE this Erin-
I'm all in for this- I truly believe in paying it forward and random acts of kindness and try to live this everyday.
It's as simple as making eye contact with someone at the store and saying hello!

Anne Alley March 8, 2009 at 7:52 PM  

I love this idea, I'm totally in!!

Hang in there, Erin, I'm sure everything job-wise will turn out okay :)

Nicole March 9, 2009 at 8:38 AM  

Hey Chica! You don't have to send me anything, I just wanted to tell you I love you. I'm thinking about you a lot these days and hoping everything comes together. You can always call if you need an ear to rant to. I'm a seasoned Music Therapy fighter from way back when =) Hang in there, Schmerin! (PS - your new banner is way cute, too!) Smooches!

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