Thursday, December 20, 2007

Right Now

Here's what I'm doing these days:

-Wrapping gifts
-Creating piles of gifts and cards from my kiddos...I'll put them away and write thank you's after Christmas
-using lots of kleenex with vicks inside...a shocker to the system at first, but helps you breathe
-finishing up my Christmas cards to mail today
-finishing...or trying last hand crafted gift
-trying hard to say "no" to all the sale emails that are arriving in my inbox these days....the scrap sites and kit club sales are the hardest to delete
-eating this yummy greek yogurt with blueberries and did I not find this sooner?
-working on my Christmas journal...have a few days to get caught up on than I'll post more
-drinking lots of coffee and tea with lemon
-listening to Christmas music in my car...I find it keeps me in a good mood despite all the crazies on the road
-trying not to eat too many of those holiday sweets I've been receiving as gifts

*edited to add that while I was posting this there was a fabulous 50% sale happening at SIS and before I realized I could get my Bind It All for half price, it had already sold SAD!

What are you up to with 5 days left before Christmas?


Anilú Magloire December 20, 2007 at 11:50 AM  

Argh, so much to do these last few days before Christmas...
Too bad you missed the Bind it All, it really is a cool tool.

caroline December 20, 2007 at 3:47 PM  

argh, i was shopping the SIS sale today and it was totally frustrating me because things kept getting sold out!

sounds like you've been busy!

Jenn December 20, 2007 at 6:56 PM  

Sorry you didn't get your bind it all! Feel better soon too!

jillconyers December 21, 2007 at 1:24 PM  

Greek yogurt on whole grain waffles with blueberries is another yummy greek yogurt must try! Last 5 days? Getting ready for house guests who start arriving, final menu plans and groc shopping. That's about it!

Happy holidays!

Princess Jessie Pants December 22, 2007 at 11:57 AM  

Hope you are feeling better today. Let's's now 3 days before Christmas & I'm going to wrap presents today - go to a Christmas party & get a little bit of grocery shopping done.

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