Monday, December 17, 2007

Pictures pictures pictures

I warned you the next post was going to be picture heavy. I can now get to my office so the scanner and picture files are available to me. The new bathroom floor and counter tops look amazing, but I have yet to clean up the tile guy's mess and we still need to install the sink and toilet, so pictures of that will have to wait. In the mean time, I give you pictures taken this past week.

First up is my 52 Card Scrap Up Week #9...I think. I've lost track of the weeks these days! This week's prompt was from our guest prompter Andrea F., who has been the most timely member of this group in terms of posting her cards! Her prompt was "Christmas Traditions." I of course had to go with stockings, which play a big part in my family's Christmas. I've been playing with felt lately too, so I used some scraps on the front of the card.

Here's the back:

Now for the promised pictures of my tree. I stayed home sick on Monday last week and finished decorating the tree...well, mostly. You'll notice a couple boxes of ornaments under the tree that I slowly added throughout the week. Here's the close up view:

And the wider shot. You can see my angel on the floor under the tree. Unfortunately she's too big for this tree and just looks ridiculous hovering on the top the tree, so I've had to improvise with a glitter star this year.

This year I have participated in two Christmas swaps in scrapbookland. Thursday night I came home to a huge box from my Studio Calico swap partner Keya. She did such a great job with these gifts for me. When I opened the box, I found another box, opened that one and found these cute little wrapped presents. I kind of forgot about wrapping my swap gifts in my rush to package and send things off...I'm such a dork...sorry Keya! Here's the wrapped goodies:

The first box contained a yummy snack, cinnamon trail mix from Whole Foods. I don't know how Keya knew, but I love trail mixes and often buy them when I'm at Whole Foods. I've never had this one though. It might be my new favorite. It's delicious!

Here's the view of the next package. A fun little mix of journaling spots, stamps, mini albums, Scenic Route papers and the cutest little calender for 2008.

Here's a view of the envelope full of little journaling spots made by Keya herself. I think these might be my favorites in the box. I love them and they are in the perfect colors for me! Look for these in some of my upcoming creations!

Next package...Hambly goodness! She even managed to send me papers and rubs that I don't already have! I know, RED Hambly rub-ons that Erin doesn't have..shocking!

Package #4 was full of Creative Imaginations goodies. Again in the perfect colors for me! Funny thing is that I sent some of this to Keya too and had to fight the urge to buy those lined papers and felt trims for myself! She must have known somehow!

Next package..."vintage" 7 Gypsies. I do adore anything 7 Gypsies and was about out of my stash of those label stickers. Perfect!

The last package continued some KI lovelies. Including the amazing red lace paper...I must get some more of this and these cute mad lib style journaling cards. So fun! Thanks, thanks, thanks, Ms. Keya! You outdid yourself! I love it all! I can only hope she enjoyed her box from me as much as I enjoyed these goodies!

Well, I'm off to take some more Mucinex...seems that Sunday and Mondays are sinus/head cold days for me. I canceled kids last Monday, so it can't happen today. Here's hoping I can sing on this scratchy post nasal throat of mine! Happy Monday!


Jenn December 17, 2007 at 9:50 AM  

Wow, you got some great stuff! I am going to need to participate in the swap next year. Your tree looks beautiful.

Anonymous December 17, 2007 at 11:06 AM  

Oooh! Looks like you got some great stuff! I'll be expecting to see some new pages, soon--LOL! Nice job, Keya!

casey boyd December 17, 2007 at 12:34 PM  

Erin that is some pretty awesome stuff you got in that goodie box! Love those handmade tags and the mad lib lables...can't wait to see how you use them!

Andrea @ Knitty Bitties December 17, 2007 at 2:00 PM  

Oh my ... that was an awesome swap!! A little bit of Christmas early! And your tree looks so fun and sparkly ... nice and real and full and perfect!

Sorry about the congestion ... maybe I passed it through e-mail?!? On day 10 I'm finally feeling like I might be back to normal soon!

Andrea @ Knitty Bitties December 17, 2007 at 2:01 PM  

Oh and I love stockings too ... as a child they were so fun, holding us over until we got the "real" presents.

justem December 17, 2007 at 2:54 PM  

Looks like a great swap package! :) Love your tree!

Anilú Magloire December 17, 2007 at 4:18 PM  

That is one wonderful box o' goodies!!

Lucky girl ;)

joanne (spagirl) December 17, 2007 at 7:34 PM  

wow!! what a stash!! have fun creating erin!!

Princess Jessie Pants December 17, 2007 at 10:25 PM  

What cool gifts! And I love your tree. Very fun!! Thanks for showing us pictures. Hope your throat feels better tonight!!


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