Monday, October 15, 2007

Updates and going on's

This weekend was a busy weekend. After work on Saturday, I met up with my mom to help her find a gift for an engagement party. We went to Crate and Barrel (check out their fun Halloween inspired home page), Anthrophologie and Z Gallerie (this homepage is amazing the mirrored dressers). I'm totally in love with Anthropologie and was drooling over some dishes, sweaters, dresses and other fun things. I told my mom I need a bigger kitchen so I can buy more dishes and she said it's a dangerous obsession, don't even start it....too late mom, you did this to me!

Saturday evening I met my online friends, the AZ girls from SIS, in real life for a little eating, drinking, scrapping, and giggling. We had so much fun. I wasn't sure what to expect, you never know if people are themselves online, but these girls are great. We did a little round robin, where you work on a page for 15 minutes, than pass to the next person for 15 minutes, than pass...until you end up with your page back and everyone else has contributed to it. The first time we all used the same photo of the four of us. I love how mine turned out. See it here. We had so much fun with this round robin, we decided to go for another one using our own pictures. Here's mine. It was a great night and I'm glad I found some local ladies who are as obsessed with scrapping as I am!

On Sunday, I met up with Michelle for a little belated birthday celebration. We had lunch...well I had lemon Wildflower and did some shopping. Michelle treated me to a very cute cropped eyelet jacket and the most adorable pink tweed coat from the kids section at Target. Yes I did say tweed coat, I know I live in Phoenix, but I'm in love with coats...I can't help it! This one was in the kids section, we were looking there for Michelle who is tiny and buys kids clothes sometimes, and the XL fit me just fine. I love it. I'll have to post a picture later when I wear it for the first time....and since it's still in the high 80's here, that may be awhile! Maybe I need a trip to somewhere cooler just so I can wear my new coat! Michelle and I also treated ourselves to ice cream and I had my first pumpkin ice cream of the season. Mmmm....I love pumpkin anything, but good creamy pumpkin ice cream is definitely a treat!


Vee October 15, 2007 at 2:10 PM  

I *love* those stores!! :)

Silvitanova October 15, 2007 at 2:53 PM  

You guys are really pumkin-crazy! This is the first time that I've heard about pumkin ice cream, must be great!
Good to read that you've really enjoyed the SiS-crop. I'm organizing one for the NL SiSters, and I'm also not sure what to expect.

Anilú Magloire October 15, 2007 at 3:45 PM  

Cool weekend. I could live inside Anthroplogie!!

I have never had pumpkin ice cream. Sounds delish.

metrochic October 15, 2007 at 3:53 PM  

I'm glad everyone was ... um, normal. Hee. At least, our kind of normal. ;) It was so fun!

Breanne Crawford October 15, 2007 at 6:12 PM  

glad you had such a good time with the sis girls...

and the layouts are so fun! love round robins!

Andrea @ Knitty Bitties October 19, 2007 at 1:45 PM  

What a fun weekend for you!

I was laughing at the kids section ... one of my favorite sweaters (and one Jessie has borrowed a few times as she loves it too) was from the kids section. So fun to have a few more options that are slightly less money.

Hope this weekend is just as nice and creative too!

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