Monday, October 22, 2007

Mimosa's and Massages

This lovely little drink is how my day started out yesterday. My mother in law, Ellen, is in town and treated me to a day at the spa for my birthday. Ellen, my mom, sister and I headed to the Camelback Inn for a day of relaxation and pampering. We started off with a little poolside lunch, where Kellie and I enjoyed yummy peach mimosa's. The food was very good and thanks to Kellie's connections (she works there as a Pilates instructor and teaches some of the resort's VIP's) lunch was on the house! After lunch, we changed into bathing suits and robes and lounged around by the pool for a little while. It was a beautiful day yesterday, about 80 degrees and windy, so it was quite nice by the pool.

Next we headed inside for a little steam room and jacuzzi time. Poor Kellie had to leave for work about the time Ellen, mom and I had massage appointments. The massages were very nice and we needed a good twenty minutes in the quiet room to recover from our very relaxed, post massage stupors! The three of us decided to head back out to the pool, where we enjoyed a bottle of wine, some appetizers and conversation. We didn't leave until after 6pm! It was a great relaxing day and something I should do more often! Thanks Ellen!

If any of you want to play along with 52 Card Scrap Up, see previous post, I have started a flickr group for posting cards each week. Find it here. We will be posting challenges or topics and our cards every Friday for the next year. This weeks topic is my choice and in honor of my spa day, the topic is "you time." How do you spend time just for you, relaxing, recharging and treating yourself? If you want to play along let me know and will add you to the group. Have fun!


Anilú Magloire October 22, 2007 at 7:49 PM  

Oh, I am so jealous!!! Nothing like a day at the Spa... Ahhhh!!!!

Barb October 22, 2007 at 8:16 PM  

Sounds totally amazing!

Princess Jessie Pants October 22, 2007 at 10:00 PM  

HOW FUN!! I forgot that was this Sunday - so glad you girls had a lovely time!!

I like the theme for the cards this week - good job! My card surprise this week is that Ali signed my card for this week - now I know what the theme is so I'll work around what she signed. :) Hope you stay relaxed this week too!


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