Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday 10

1. Really wanting something from here. Thinking I may use some leftover Christmas money and a discount coupon to order something. Not sure what to pick though. This one, this one, this one...what do you think?

2. Chocolate Mousse left over from Valentine's day. So good and so easy to make.

3. Making another one of these (sorry for the crappy phone photo):

4. Just purchased these monogram letters on sale at House of 3 and downloaded these free tags. Anticipating some fun banners in my future.

5. Still admiring my fun Valentine's treat bags from Elle's Studio. Thanks Elle for the fun prize!

6. Making to do lists like crazy. March is going to be a busy month.

7. Really wanting to learn to crochet. I don't need another hobby, but I already have a ton of yarn and have seen so many cute projects lately.

8. Looking forward to a possible sushi date tomorrow night, Wednesday lunch with my sister, breakfast with some artsy girls on Thursday and hanging with Steph this weekend.

9. Hoarding gift cards from Anthopologie and Pottery Barn. Also an Amex gift card (though that may be used this week--see #1). Waiting for the perfect items to purchase and/or a bit of extra money to spend with them.

10. Enjoying the Olympics this week. Finding myself interested in sports I've never watched much before.


Anonymous February 16, 2010 at 10:12 PM  

love your tuesday 10!

Princess Jessie Pants February 16, 2010 at 11:16 PM  

No necklace for Valentine's? Then YES!! Buy your own!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the birdie w/ blue beads. I've been eying that one for a few weeks myself. I say get that one - I know I'm picking it over 'sparkle'. What can I say?

Love your Tuesday 10. I need something like that...what shall I call it? Wednesday 11? :)

Love you!!

Nicole February 17, 2010 at 8:52 AM  

Fun post!! I agree with Jess and vote for the birdie with the beads. The sparkle is my second choice, but I think we all know who actually needs that...to wear on Saturdays. Are you rolling your eyes yet?

We should talk about banners...thinking about wedding stuff (as always). Maybe you can give me some lessons ;)

Have a good Wednesday!

*reyanna* February 17, 2010 at 11:15 AM  

I love all those necklaces. I don't think I could choose. Okay, maybe I like the 2nd the best! LOL. I just love the blue bead. :-)

That cupcake is SO cute!! I need to make myself a pin cushion. Or have my friend make one for me... LOL.

And gift cards to Anthro AND Pottery Barn? Lucky ducky! I'm jealous! Can't wait to see what you get! :-)

Kimber-Leigh February 17, 2010 at 4:12 PM  

such a cute little cupcake!

i have found that i'm interested in more olympic stuff than just my usual skating loves. and i just adore learning the background stories!

Andrea @ Knitty Bitties February 17, 2010 at 5:01 PM  

Well I'll chime in third of 'the girls' ... I've also been 'coveting' the 'from up here' necklace with the blue bead and charms. Love it!! It may soon come to live with me after all this little boy birthday business :).

Happy Week!

Patti February 21, 2010 at 10:12 PM  

super cute cupcake! when u learn to crochet, u can get me going too! my mother is amazing at crocheting and is scared it will go with her-im afraid it will too

Gracie February 24, 2010 at 10:39 AM  

I just hopped over from Studio Calico to visit your blog.
Seriously, that cupcake has to be the cutest!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great day!

Diana D February 24, 2010 at 12:09 PM  

great post, I like the middle necklace :D

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