Monday, February 22, 2010

Random Thoughts

I spend too much time online.
I am kind of excited about being back in school.
I actually scrapped 2 pages today.
I just learned I can pursue my masters and post-bacc program simultaneously.
I have a lot of ideas.
I am obsessed with knitting.
I hate the way Shawn's new strawberry banana gum smells. Ick!
I did not vacuum or clean the bathrooms today.
I have spent too much money this month.
I no longer have a garden full of weeds.
I miss coffee.
I wish money wasn't a concern.
I have crafting ADD.
I miss classical music.
I need to get rid of my current sweet tooth.
I have cold hands and a cold nose.
I want new furniture.
I should purge and reorganize.
I need a pedicure.
I am excited about getting my hair done tomorrow.
I need another project like I need a hole in the head.
I wish I had a magic wand (one that really worked).
I am currently in love with birds.
I have hardly taken any photos this month.
I kind of want to make a quilt.
I need to exercise.
I should go to bed early tonight.

And if you are not bored yet, here's some recent scraps I haven't blogged yet. My January Project 12. The first 12x12 2 pager I've ever done:

Based on Studio Calico's Sunday sketch a couple of weeks ago:


Anonymous February 22, 2010 at 9:07 PM  

great pages Erin! fun stuff to read! :)

Princess Jessie Pants February 22, 2010 at 10:01 PM  

I love your random thoughts. You should do that more! It's fun to get inside of your head. :)

Love the LO's. Really - you haven't done a 12x12 2 pager before? That surprises me!


justem February 23, 2010 at 6:12 PM  

Love the random thoughts.
So many similar ones are in my head right now... :)

Diana D February 24, 2010 at 12:06 PM  

love the random thoughts and great layouts!!
First 2 pager? that's surprising

Pam February 25, 2010 at 8:31 PM  

Hey!! How did you get my list?? lol

Love the pages!!!

Ally February 28, 2010 at 10:50 AM  

I was thinking the exact same thing. Ok - maybe not. I don't knit. Where is this new 'do of yours?

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