Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's Tuesday Again

Apparently I only like to blog on Tuesdays. Life has just been busy lately and really blogging is not on the top of my list. I do like a good Tuesday 10 though. Even though I saw 7 kids today, I seemed to have plenty of down time, so here's what today included:

1. A stop between kids at Starbucks where I purchased a Caramel Apple Cider with a birthday gift card.
2. A slice of pumpkin bread also purchased at Starbucks
3. A trip to Anthro, where I purchased these jeans with another birthday gift card (thanks Ellen!) and my 15% off birthday coupon.
4. A trip through the new wing at Scottsdale Fashion Square and a visit to Forever 21 where I bought this red coat. I have a thing for coats and this one is definitely wearable in Phoenix.
5. A quick trip through Pottery Barn, where it is already Christmas.
6. A Coconut chocolate chip cookie from Paradise Bakery...I was thirsty and figured I might as well buy my water where I could also get a little afternoon treat.
7. 2 phone chats with my mother and a quick IM chat with Miss Jessie
8. An egg/bagel sandwich for dinner
9. New stamps purchased from Studio Calico with my friends and family discount.
10. Time with Shawn and last night's episode of Heroes.

happy Tuesday!


Princess Jessie Pants October 28, 2009 at 2:25 PM  

Happy almost Thursday night!! :)

Michelle October 28, 2009 at 2:30 PM  

What a wonderful day Erin! I LOVE that red coat...that is sooo YOU!

Andrea @ Knitty Bitties October 28, 2009 at 5:49 PM  

A fun day indeed!
And you know I love the red coat :). We can be twinsies next time we meet up :).
Oh and I couldn't help but laugh that the jeans you bought have zipeprs at the ankle ... hello 80's :P. Of course, those don't look 80's it was just the description that gave me a flash back to Guess jeans.
Happy Day!

Anonymous October 28, 2009 at 9:39 PM  

sounds like a fun day to me!!! yummy starbucks, baked goods, and shopping! love your new coat and jeans!

Diana D October 29, 2009 at 4:40 PM  

Sounds like a fun day!! Love the new coat!! I just picked up a new red coat, but I think yours is WAY cuter!!

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