Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Birthday Week

It's officially my birthday week. Yes I said it. Birthday week. I might even stretch it into a birthday month. You never know. My birthday was officially Monday the 5th, but I started celebrating on Sunday with a movie and dinner at my parents. I finally saw Julie and Julia, which I loved and enjoyed a lovely dinner of fish tacos, mango and black bean salad and these yummy pumpkin cupcakes/bundt cakes with chocolate ganache:

Somehow they managed to fit all 32 candles on these six little cakes. Yes six. There were only five of us there, but all night long things were done for six. My poor sister kept saying "It's nice of you to save my pretend date a seat, but I'm single people!" She's the one who added the sixth cupcake however, probably so she could eat it!

Yup, all 32 candles blown out in one easy breath. This flute player (who has sadly not played recently) has still got lungs.

I had a lovely pre-birthday evening.

On Monday, I enjoyed a nice lazy morning. The weather was beautiful and I wanted to spend the day outside. I also wanted to work on my garden and plant fall flowers. So Shawn and I headed to the nursery to buy lots and lots of flowers (I'll share photos later) and went out to lunch, where I enjoyed a delicious pumpkin whoopie pie for my birthday dessert. Yum! I spent the afternoon planting and working outside. We had planned on a movie, but by the time I came inside and showered, I was pretty exhausted. Neither one of us really felt like going anywhere, so we just ordered in dinner and I poured myself a glass of wine. All in all it was a pretty good day.

Yesterday, was Tutu Tuesday. Kellie, Toni and I spent the evening making tutus. Kellie and Toni were making costumes for Tour de Fat and I was working on a Halloween costume. We are now officially in love with tutus. I can't wait to see pictures of Kellie and Toni on their bicylces in tutus, crazy wigs and sunglasses. Too funny. I'm looking forward to my little ballerina witch costume complete with orange and black strip tights.

Today, I'm pretending is not a part of the birthday week. I stayed home today with a yucky tummy that woke me up around 2am. At least I'm getting some time to read, knit and catch up online. Hoping my stomach starts to feel better so I can enjoy my last birthday cupcake.


Anonymous October 7, 2009 at 4:25 PM  

I am glad that you have had a great birthday week (minus the yucky tummy!). hope you are feeling better soon!

justem October 7, 2009 at 6:07 PM  

Happy Birthday! Those cakes look incredible!!

Ally October 7, 2009 at 6:25 PM  

Perhaps it's all that wine you've been drinking lately! Glad to hear the week is going welll (except for the tummy thing anyway).

Andrea @ Knitty Bitties October 7, 2009 at 11:31 PM  

Yea for birthday week ... I second that idea :).
It sounds like (forgetting today) that it has been lovely turning 32. I wish you a wonderful month of celebrating with family and friends and a blessed year ahead!
I can't wait to see the tutu pictures :). I've never tried making one, but I hear they are quite easy. Where did you find your tights? Maybe I should dress up this year ... E would love it, maybe Matt too ;).

Diana D October 12, 2009 at 2:26 PM  

yummy!! I hope you had a WONDERFUL birthday!

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