Sunday, April 5, 2009

Colorful Sunday

Today we headed to the Desert Botanical Gardens with Shawn's mom and brother, to check out the Chihuly exhibit. It was pretty spectacular. Lots of cool pieces scattered amongst the gardens. Now is the perfect time to be at the gardens too, with all the spring dessert blooms. It was beautiful! Now to go back during the evening hours to see the pieces in that special evening light, with the sunset and all lit up once the sun goes down. You have to get reservations for the exhibit, as it's pretty popular. You can get either 12-4pm or 4-8pm reservations. Unfortunately, a lot of the evening ones are sold out and I'm sure many of the pieces look completely different in different lighting and once they are all lit up. I took well over a hundred pictures today. Here are a few of them:

We decided not to do the butterfly pavilion, as it was pretty crowded today and we would have had to wait in a long line to get in. I'm hoping I can get back to see that before it leaves.

I spent the rest of my Sunday, enjoying a late lunch outside and than taking an extremely rare late afternoon nap. It was a lovely day!


Andrea @ Knitty Bitties April 6, 2009 at 4:09 PM  

Oh I'm SO jealous. I love Chihuly's work and seeing amongst nature would be incredible. Can you even imagine how they move and set up the pieces without them breaking?!?! It's amazing!!

It sounds like a wonderful end to the weekend and a great start to the week.

Happy Week!

Lauren April 7, 2009 at 2:07 PM  

I am SOOOOOO jealous! I ADORE Chihuly!!!!

Diana D April 9, 2009 at 10:50 AM  

those are beautiful! thanks for sharing them. I love looking at blown glass

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