I'm back from a quickie little trip to visit my Oregon girls. The lovely Nicole (see above) picked me up at the Portland airport on Friday night and we headed to Tim and Jessie's house, arriving just minutes before they got home from a wedding. We spent the rest of the evening chatting and catching up with each other. Saturday morning Tim made us pancakes and we enjoyed a lazy morning. We eventually rallied ourselves and headed out for some shopping and lunch. We hit the usual spots...Target, where I found some summer clearance in the clothing section while Jessie and Nicole loaded up on the household necessities...Michael's, where I made a yarn purchase for yet another baby hat...shoe shopping, where Jessie got these lovelies:

I too love these shoes and decided I really wanted the chocolate brown ones...I know, not the RED ones you say, but seeing as how I have like 9 pairs of red shoes already....so my dear Nicole bought them for me as an early birthday present. Nice, huh? She was excited because she got to check something off her to do list and saved on shipping to me.
After our shopping adventures we returned to Jessie house for some knitting (Nicole and I) and napping (Jessie) before Nicole had to head out to a work function (hence the orange sweater and OSU bling in the above picture) and Tim to a gaming party. So Jessie and I settled in for the night to eat our fancy gourmet dinner, watch a movie and knit. I managed to finish the most adorable pumpkin hat you ever did see (I'll post later this week) and start a new baby hat before Nicole returned. More knitting and chatting and snacking .....
Sunday morning we (well, except those with church choir commitments) had another lazy morning before heading to lunch at the
Roadhouse, where I received some photography pointers from Tim, who took this cute photo:

Jessie was kind enough to be my test subject during my photography lesson yet again. You like a moustache (pronounced moo-stawsh)?

At my request we headed to
Aspinwalls after lunch for milkshakes, where we enjoyed the warm weather and yummy treats.

Seriously, who can resist milkshakes made with fresh fruit? I always have a hard time choosing between peach and strawberry...peach won out this time, but luckily Jessie had a strawberry one for me to taste!

Sunglasses are the key to pictures with me and Nicole....guaranteed one of us will have our eyes closed...we didn't need 8 million shots this time!

After a brief stop back at Tim and Jessie's house, Nicole and I headed up to Portland for some shopping on
NW 23rd St and a visit to the brand new
Paper Source. It was heavenly, lots of paper goodness, one of my favorite little areas in Portland, beautiful weather, great window shopping and people watching and it was nice to spend a little one on one time with Nicole too. Sadly, I had to head to the airport by 6pm on Sunday and return home. I miss my girls everyday, but am so glad we squeeze in some girl time whenever we get the chance.
Come back!!! Come back now!! Come back now and stay forever! Just pack up your husband, your craft supplies, and all the jingling things that ride around in the back of your car and COME BACK!!! Can you tell we aren't getting along very well without you? Sniff.
Sounds like you had a fun weekend..And you hit a Paper Source?? So jealous, I always wanted to go to one of those.
Glad you had a good trip to Oregon! I have to tell you, Roadhouse is my and DH's favorite restaurant! We just ate there for our anniversary last week! And I didn't know there was a Paper Source on 23rd! I live in Oregon and I learned something new tonight:) Will have to check it out soon.
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