Friday, January 18, 2008

Paper Goodies

Been busy this morning creating away before heading to work...for which I should leave any minute now.....

Here's this week's 52 was my prompt this week and the prompt was "New Year, New You." Using up the last remaining bits from my December SC kit on this one.

Got caught up with Paper '08 too. Here's week #2 with the prompt "what's your souvenir to the world"

and week #3 with the prompt "what's next"--opened my January ZingBoom kit for this one...just love this little postcard for this page!

and last, but not in progress take on Courtney's "yearly" from Project 52. I'm still working on the inside, but the idea is that this book is a little journal for the year to keep notes, inspiration, ideas and collect little life bits....I'll post more when it's done.

Oh and this post is #100 for me, so I'm thinking a little contest is in order....I'm not quite sure yet what I want to do, so stay tuned for another post tonight with contest details....


Sweet Peripety January 18, 2008 at 1:55 PM  

oooh A contest! Hey, I love your card. And everything you posted therafter. Makes me want to get some cards made. TFS!

Lauren January 18, 2008 at 2:03 PM  

Wow! Loving all your projects!

I am particpating in paper 08 too:
here is my #2:
and my #3:
I think it's a fun challenge.

are you like 52 projects? i was interested in knowing more about that one

Anilú Magloire January 18, 2008 at 2:17 PM  

Oh, Erin! I am loving all your scrappage:0
You have really inspired me to get working on my 7G ATC holder. Thanks :)

Denise January 18, 2008 at 3:12 PM  

Love all your projects. They are excellent. You have given me a few ideas I want to try. Thanks for the inspiration!

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