Four Months
Aiden turns five months later this week, so I figured it was about time I posted his four month update. Time is definitely moving fast. I can't believe he will be five months in just a few days.
At four months, Aiden:
-weighed 15.1 pounds and was 25 inches long at his 4 month visit.
-eats every three to four hours, including 2 five ounce bottles (sometimes a third) while mom is at work.
-started being supplemented with rice cereal and a couple ounces of formula, because mommy can't pump enough for this hungry boy.
-sleeps about 4-5 hours at a time at night.
-takes 2-3 short naps (or sometimes a long one) most days.

-sleeps about 4-5 hours at a time at night.
-takes 2-3 short naps (or sometimes a long one) most days.

-loves to play.
-enjoys peek a boo, tickles, being upside down and any other rough or silly play activities.
-loves Sophie the giraffe and his keys.
-is working hard during tummy time trying to army crawl and sometimes rolling over.
-grabs everything in sight, especially food and drinks.
-loves to be outside.
He is so cute & precious...enjoy every moment!!
He is totally adorable! Looks so much like you!!! ;)
And really...five months??? How can this be!?
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