Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday, Monday

So last night I got a wild urge to purge and reorganize my patterned paper. Ok, so maybe it's been in the back of my head for awhile, because I had tons of newish papers that had not been put away because my paper holders were a tad over full. Plus I had a few too many kits in my kit basket and it was time to dismantle some and add them to the stash. I could actually still stand to dismantle a few more kits, but I wasn't quite ready.

I store my paper in vertical Cropper Hopper holders and only have room for 3...2 for patterned paper and 1 for cardstock. I sort my paper by color, because that's what works for me. I decided to also sort by manufacturer within each color group. I think this will help me find papers a lot easier. Now, I have quite a lot of paper, but here's where I have a little problem...graph/ledger/lined papers. I have a TON. So many in fact that they now have their own section in my paper filing system. See:

I also have a slight addiction to if only I could use them more often....

I do of course have quite the collection of red papers and black/white papers. I did manage to purge a rather large stack of paper. Take a look:

In addition to paper sorting, I've been doing lots of house cleaning and purging in other areas. Up next, the work closet...lots and lots in there that I do not need. Maybe next weekend.

I've also been doing a lot of creating this weekend. Most of which I can not share right now. Here's a little peek at a page using the Scrap for A Cure August Kit.

I've also been playing a lot with spray inks and paint. Need to add photos and a few embellishments to a little mini from Vee's class and then I will share.

Now I'm off to go harvest some of that overgrown basil in my garden and make some pesto. Yummy!


Nicole July 27, 2009 at 3:58 PM  

Wow! Super impresssed with your purge/organize binge! You can always send things to Oregon when you're bored with them, ya know. We're always a little behind so it's probably new to us! Of course, we can't speak the lingo with maybe you need to consult the Idaho contingent? HA! Smooches =)

Bekka July 27, 2009 at 4:15 PM  

I have the same relationship with transparencies! :)

Anonymous July 27, 2009 at 4:39 PM  

ohh, love the peek!

Leslie Ashe July 27, 2009 at 4:42 PM  

GORGEOUS peek!!!!!!!!! WOW!! :D

Diana D July 27, 2009 at 4:43 PM  

love your peek- the flower is great!
I think you and I have the same love of overlays- mine have now taken over their own container too :) USE 'EM UP GIRLIE!!

Melanie Stanczyk July 27, 2009 at 5:28 PM  

Great peeks! Are all those petals hand cut? They rock! I can't wait to see the rest of this page!

I had to laugh at your piles, mine look exactly the same!

Anonymous July 27, 2009 at 7:38 PM  

Wonderful peek! I can't wait to see the rest of it. :) LOL, I have the same problem with the ledger/graph/lined papers now as well, and I never thought about filing them on their own, may just have given me a reason to reorganize!

Princess Jessie Pants July 28, 2009 at 2:23 PM  

Would you say your pesto is the besto? :)

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