Sunday, February 22, 2009

While You Were Out

So I've been gone from blogging for awhile. Lots has happened while I was away. Since I last blogged (well, not counting the Valentine's mosaic) I have:

  • Traveled to Oregon to visit this girl and this girl. We had lots and lots of fun. Did some shopping, got beautified by Erin M., made some Valentine's crafts, had a fabulous baby shower, hung out with this girl, cruised some wedding magazines, laughed a lot and generally enjoyed each others company.
  • Gotten a cold and gone home early from work
  • Had surgery to remove what turned out to be a vary rare form of cystic growth on my vocal cords and larynx. The ENT called me a "rare specimen" and was quite excited about discovering something in my throat that is rarely seen. Nice.
  • Spent several days in bed in a pain med stupor.
  • Read two books and several magazines
  • Gotten 3 bouquets of flowers and a new pretty necklace
  • Ordered a new cell phone
  • Found out the state of AZ has cut music therapy rates by 54% in effect, guaranteeing the end of services for thousands of children and the eventual demise of my practice.
  • Spent hours on the computer sending emails and rallying support for our fight against said cuts.
  • Laid awake at night wondering what I will do if I can't keep my practice afloat.
  • Visited with Ellen
  • Enjoyed lots of smoothies
  • Watched lots of TV
  • Had lunch with my mom and Kellie at Pita Jungle, where I was happy to find some tasty soft food on their menu.
  • Took some naps
  • Worked half days and tried not to use my voice too much, which continues to be a challenge
  • Participated in an online crop at Scrapgal. The deadline for posting challenges is tonight at midnight, eastern time, if you want to play along.

I haven't scrapped in at least two weeks, so it was nice to spend the past couple days scrapping off and on. My energy level is still not quite back to normal, so I scrap a bit than take a break before scrapping some more. Here's what I've made this weekend. This page was for my challenge, an ad inspiration:

Made this one for a song lyrics challenge. These are lyrics from Brandi Carlile, who's CD is what I've been listening to in the car when I'm not tuned into NPR.

This one is from a sketch challenge:

Digging into my old stash for this 7 Gypsies challenge:

For this page I combined 2 challenges, a use what you horde (journaling labels in my case) and another to scrap 10 random things about you. I really like how this one turned out:

This last one was for a challenge to use 3 different stamps on a page. Thank you Studio Calico for all the lovely stamps on this page.

For you Scrap for a Cure girls, this page may make an appearance on the blog tomorrow as your Monday Challenge, so go ahead and pull out your stamps!

I'm off to do more scrapping. There are still several challenges on Scrapgal to complete plus my very lovely March Scrap for a Cure kit calling out to me.

Happy lazy Sunday!


Houston February 22, 2009 at 3:04 PM  

Wow Erin. I hope you are feeling better. That is awful about the state, I truly believe that what you do is very important. If I can help in anyway let me know. Great layouts, of course:) Hope you enjoyed crafting today!

The Mom February 22, 2009 at 3:28 PM  

HOpe you are feeling better!! I love your layouts, they are great!!

Princess Jessie Pants February 22, 2009 at 8:32 PM  

Did you stay in your PJ's all day today? I hope so.

Still love your LO's - haven't changed my mind since last night. :)

Lori February 23, 2009 at 7:51 PM  

LOVE your new LO's! They are beautiful!!! :)

Anilú Magloire February 24, 2009 at 9:47 AM  

Absolutely LOVE your pages!!
The stamped and cut out title is amazing!!!

Anonymous February 24, 2009 at 10:49 AM  

WOW, you have been busy!!!!! lovin' your pages, they are all awesome!

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