Little bits before bed
Here are some things I learned over the past couple of weeks:
*I should not consume agave...big, fat allergic reactions are no fun and a bit scary!
*bad news seems to happen all at once
*I have amazing friends...ok, so I new this already, just glad I have them when life is crazy
*I am not ready for summer...high 90's in April are no fun!
*stress can make you feel icky
*I should workout more
*just when I think they've created my favorite kit, studio calico goes and reveals another great one
*I shall be in a perpetual state of never being caught up with my to do list
*life's disappointments may be blessings in disguise
*happy mail can always put a smile on my face. Check out what arrived at my doorstep this week
I bought this from the fabulous Miss Andrea. Isn't it cute? She even made me a matching checkbook cover, which makes writing checks just a little bit more fun! You should check out her etsy store knitty bitties (on my sidebar) for some adorable little goodies.
Ok. It's time for bed. Good night.