Bad Blogger
Ok, so I've not been the greatest blogger lately. It's been a busy week and I haven't had anything that exciting to post anyway. I did have a good weekend. I only had one kid to see on Friday, so it was almost like a day off. Of course, I was wide awake by 6am on my day to sleep in...figures! Since I was up, I got a ton of things done by noon, including baking these fabulous Banana Coconut Muffins...kind of like a lighter, muffin version of hummingbird cake...delicious! Here's the recipe:Banana Coconut Muffins
1 1/4 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 very ripe bananas, mashed
1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter, melted
2/3 cups sugar
1 large egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
3/4 cup flaked coconut
I added 1/3 cup chopped walnuts
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Line muffin tins.
Whisk together flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl.
Whisk together bananas, butter, sugar, egg, vanilla and 1/2 cup coconut (walnuts too if desired) in a large bowl until combined well, then fold in flour mixture until flour is just moistened.
Divide batter into muffin cups and sprinkle with remaining coconut. Bake until golden, 20-25 minutes. Transfer to a rack to cool.
I also made a yummy tortellini salad for dinner Friday too. Spent Saturday working, having lunch with Kellie..the best veggie burger ever from Four Peaks Brewery...doing laundry and hanging out with Shawn. We had a little date night and went to eat at Dick's Hideway, where the food is always amazing. Today I've been doing the usual Sunday thing and scrapping a bit. I finished this little 5 Favorite Things album I started at least a week ago. I'll post more of it later.I've also had tons of scrapping ideas in my head this weekend thanks to the arrival of We Dare You and Keri Smith's Wreck this Journal in the mail on Thursday. Total inspiration...I highly recommended them if your a scrapbooker or artsy type. I'm off to heat up leftover tortilla crusted halibut from last night...yum!
that mini looks delish!
Hmmm, not sure you could convince me to make those instead of hummingbird cupcakes ... I mean after all, with cream cheese frosting they are a totally balanced breakfast, no?
Love the mini ... I have those coaster and D-rings in my inspiration cup, just waiting to be loved. I think I'll do a mini wrap up of favorite Ethan summer photos. We'll see ...
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